Job Search Coaching

I know exactly what it's like to be in a position where you are looking for a new job. It can be an incredibly daunting task, you may have been thrown in to this situation without forewarning or being prepared. 

I completely understand how lonely this search can be:

  • You can't talk to your work colleagues
  • You don't like discussing this with your friends
  • It's not something that you really chat about with your family
  • Or on the contrary, everyone has an opinion and will be quite happy to share without you asking for it!!

Lets cut to the chase, if you're idea of searching for a job is applying for every role on seek that 'fits your criteria' then we really need to talk.

What I'm not is a CV writer. Working with me you'll be given the tools to write and format your CV for every role you'll ever apply for ever again, and that's just the start!

The coaching programme includes:-

  • Recognising why your current role no longer fulfils you
  • Identifying what motivates you to perform well in a role and the opportunities available
  • Writing the perfect CV that sells your transferrable skills and knowledge
  • Mastering your telephone and Skype/FaceTime interview techniques
  • Understanding how to work with recruitment agencies and in house recruitment teams 
  • Learning how to select the perfect roles and companies to approach
  • Perfecting those interview techniques, ensuring you are confident, prepared and organised

Working with me, you will be accountable and your 'job search to do list' will get shorter and shorter, we'll cut through the company jargon, the agency fog and I'll show you how you can turn this situation into a valuable life experience!

As a stress management consultant I can also equip you with some very useful skills that will enable you to not only get through this period of change but others that may crop up in the future.

The best thing to do is to get in touch, book a free consultation and I'll let you know how I can help you.

Thanks to Kerrie’s support, I was able to get a job offer after just one interview!

By using their advice, I felt more confident with my proactive job search and contacted more companies that I would have done on my own.

I highly recommend Amethyst NZ to anyone who is embarking on a job search!
— Taka S - Auckland